a short story collection, coming soon...
The world of Whitewashed began long before Ella entered the scene. She's a mere blip in a story that's spanned for generations. Project Anamnesis is a collection of vignettes from that greater story; it's a glimpse into the tales Ella can't tell because she doesn't own them. These stories, told from the perspectives of other characters in the Whitewashed universe, provide us with never-before-seen background on the ones we love and the ones we're not so sure about. Project Anamnesis is the culmination of too much daydreaming; but, more than that, it's a reminder that our own stories aren't the first, nor will they be the last. Stories existed before us, and they'll continue long after.
Get a free sneak-peek at the first story of the collection, Quintex, in which we meet the formidable Agent Chang—and she meets Ella Kepler.
Get a free sneak-peek at the first story of the collection, Quintex, in which we meet the formidable Agent Chang—and she meets Ella Kepler.
Click to download
Agent Chang's story